Please select an option below, and click SUBMIT

OPTION 3:  I would like a partial refund in the form of cash and vouchers. I understand that  $600 of my funds have already been paid to vendors,  are non-refundable, and will be deducted for  those pre-paid expenses. I also understand that I will be receiving cruise and airfare vouchers in addition to my partial cash refund. Total Amount of  refund, including vouchers will be approximately 82% of what I originally paid in. (Cash + Cruise Voucher + American Airlines Voucher = 82% of my payments)

OPTION 2: I plan to file an insurance claim for 100% cash refund. Please send me the documents I need to get this claim started.

OPTION 1:  I would still like to be a part of this Fellowship Cruise, understanding that 100% of my monies paid in will be applied, with no price increases, and this will not be a ministry/performance trip, but simply a wonderful vacation with friends and church family. I also understand that my current travel insurance will transfer to cover me for this upcoming trip in 2022.